Eight Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin Without Products
Skincare doesn’t have to begin and end with beauty hauls, there’s nothing wrong with starting with the basics.
- written by Joy Onu
- 5 min read
- 09 Jun, 2023

When it comes to taking care of yourself, having a skincare routine is very important and could save you from a world of trouble. You may have seen a dozen beauty or skincare trends on social media where people showcase a bunch of products they’ve added to their skincare routine, and you’re probably still as confused as ever.
That’s where we come in, taking care of your skin is essential, if you’re tired of the endless use of products, or you feel bombarded by the endless hauls or products you see online, you can take a step back and go for these simple ways to take care of your skin on a day-to-day basis without products.
1. Drink Water
I know you’ve heard this time and time again, but it is actually a no-brainer. Water is life, and staying hydrated at all times will help you clear your skin and leave you feeling rejuvenated through your day. The best part about having your daily dose of water is that it has an ability to clean your pores and rid your system of toxins.
2. Reduce Your Days In The Sun
This doesn’t take away from the great work SPF does when it protects your skin from sunlight and all its rays, but one of the best ways to keep your skin protected at all costs is to avoid the sun as much as you can. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should stay cooped up in your room all the time, it just means you have to avoid the sun in any way you can, especially if you live in a particularly hot climate area.
If you find yourself standing under the sun in a queue of some sort, you could invest in an umbrella or find shade. If you find yourself sitting at a spot where the sun hits you directly, don’t hesitate to change that spot.
3. Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is the cornerstone to so many problems people face, sometimes not the easiest thing to do, but with determination and a healthy meal plan, you can definitely achieve it. The best pointers would be to go for more fruits and veggies in your diet, you want to stay away from too much sugar, and even too much alcohol.
You could also include antioxidants into your diet to get that glow you’re looking for, the best place to start would be by adding Vitamin C or E to your diet, a lot of people also go for Vitamin C supplements to protect their body from diseases, in turn leaving their skin with a healthy glow. It is important to focus on adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, you can start with strawberries, beet, spinach, apples, and other healthy meals you like.
4. Never Sleep With Your Makeup On
This should be a rule of thumb for anyone who puts on makeup, the last thing you need is to block your pores all through the night, no matter what you do on your skincare journey, this is also just as important. It might seem trivial when you come home and you’re too tired to wipe up your makeup, but trust me, you’re not doing your beautiful face a favor.
If you’re too tired to take a shower or wipe it all off, the least you could do is wash your face, this reduces the chances of ruining your skin or causing damage to it. You need to remember that your skin renews itself while you’re asleep, so leaving your makeup on prevents your skin from doing its job.
5. Wash Your Makeup Brushes
Back to the point of Makeup, you need to know that dirty makeup brushes can cause various types of infections that will leave you really frustrated, you need to protect your skin at all costs and remember that prevention is better than looking for a cure. To protect your skin, you should wash your makeup brushes every week if you can, this will get rid of any bacteria that hides away in your makeup brushes.
6. Resist The Urge To Touch Your Face
This is a golden rule, especially if you have a pimple, you need to resist any urge or instinct in your body that feels the need to pick and probe that pimple. If you don’t, you will be in the market for scarring, buildup of dirt, and any other issues that are not pretty.
You could essentially save yourself all that trouble by not touching your face, and also not letting anyone else touch your face, it’s going to be hard to resist that urge, but you can do it!
7. Take Care Of Your Mental Health
In order to take care of your skin without products, you also have to keep it in the back of your mind that there are stress related issues that can show up on your face. Our entire body as humans is so intertwined, it is a blessing, but it can also be annoying.
One of your top priorities, whether it has to do with skincare or not, is your mental health. You need to declutter your mind of all forms of stress, find ways to relax and destress. This is especially true for people with certain types of skin conditions that are prone to flair up in the face of anxiety.
8. Change Your Linens Often
From your beddings, to your towels, you need to ensure that you keep them clean and change them as often as you can. The last thing you need is dirty linen ruining your skin. You could also opt for a face towel along with your body towel.
At the end of the day, the sooner you start caring about your skin, the better. You don’t have to rely on products in order to take care of your skin, and if you do need products, it is very essential that you consult a skincare expert before you begin your journey into the world of beauty hauls